Picture of Itai

Itai's Page

Let's connect

Who am I?

I'm Itai Fish, a Software Engineer

I got my start in the realm of Computer Science at the age of 10 when, after looking to not just play games but make them, I was introduced to Gamemaker. I spent much of my middle-school years designing and programming video games. The summer before high school I apprenticed at a Computational Modeling and Computer Science education non-profit, Shodor. There, I learned Javascript and web design.

In high school, I took a Java/OOP intro class at the local community college, and continued making video games. My senior year, I entered into the Technology Student Association competition with some friends, winning a state-level competition in videogame design, and a national-level competition in coding. I then went to college, first at The University of North Carolina at Asheville, and then after a year, transferring to The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

I am a lifelong student, vegetarian, chess player, basketball player and fan, and Magic: The Gathering enthusiast. I love engineering, technology, and the art of problem solving.

Favourite Languages

Skill Level


3 Years of Experience


8 Years of Experience


10 Years of Experience


2 Years of Experience

Here's what I can do

These are my skills and proficiencies

Web Development [Full Stack] Icon

Web Development [Full Stack]

I have experience buildings websites in Typescript, Javascript, React, NextJS, (and HTML/CSS of course) and using Material UI, TailwindCSS, Bootstrap, and Bulma. I programmed this website myself and also helped build Mudra.Capital

Backend Development [Full Stack] Icon

Backend Development [Full Stack]

I have built servers in NodeJS with express, and in Java using Spring Boot, Javalin, and Guice. I have experience with MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB and DynamoDB. I helped build Amazon's grocery delivery backend, and Mudra Capital's entire tech stack.

Technical Writing, Documentation, and Communication Icon

Technical Writing, Documentation, and Communication

I have written detailed documentation, UML flowcharts, and design descriptions for a multitude of projects, and communicate clearly and explicitly with project stakeholders.

Video Game Design, Programming Icon

Video Game Design, Programming

I have experience in both the Gamemaker and Unity engines, as well as a passion for both playing and creating games.

Technical Sourcing and Recruiting Icon

Technical Sourcing and Recruiting

I know tons of talented individuals. Looking for a specific set of skills? Reach out and I may be able to match you with a superstar. I have currently matched 10+ people across 3 companies.

My work experience

Here is my employment timeline

Rocket Mortgage company logo
February 2023 → PresentSoftware EngineerRocket Mortgage
All good things must come to an end, and due to unfavorable market conditions, Mudra Capital was forced to eliminate their Engineering Department. I was welcomed to Rocket Mortgage, where I work on the cutting-edge tools bankers use to give their clients the best service you can find in the mortgage industry. For frontend I work with the Angular framework in Typescript, and use .NET / C# for the backend.
Mudra Capital Management LLC company logo
April 2022 → February 2023Software Development Team LeadMudra Capital Management LLC
After talking with their CEO, I joined Mudra Capital as the development team lead, taking responsibility for the design of Mudra’s entire tech stack. Joined by a wonderful coworker, I built out Mudra’s website, backend, and database. We used Microsoft Azure as our cloud provider, and built the website in NextJS, with a NodeJS backend, as well as both a PostgreSQL and MongoDB database.
Amazon Grocery Shopping Experience company logo
July 2021 → April 2022Software Development Engineer IAmazon Grocery Shopping Experience
Joining Amazon after I graduated as a full time software engineer, I lead construction of an instant-shutoff portal for any store in the world, allowing the operations team to seamlessly manage holidays, extreme weather events, or other unexpected occurrences and prevent the need of refunded orders. This portal was built with a ReactJS frontend and Java backend. I also participated in the on-call rotation, helped fix bugs, improve our services’ reliability with more efficient retry code, and helped review code waiting to be deployed.
Amazon Grocery Shopping Experience company logo
Summer 2020Software Development Engineering InternAmazon Grocery Shopping Experience
As an intern at Amazon, I designed and developed a production ready internal diagnostic tool for Amazon’s grocery delivery, saving hundreds of monthly man-hours spent debugging. The backend was written in Java, and the frontend in React Typescript. The tool consolidated data from multiple microservices, and allowed on-call engineers access to pertinent data in seconds.
Fidelity Investments company logo
Summer 2019Software Engineering InternFidelity Investments
While at Fidelity, I played a key role in the development of Canary API, a robust service health monitoring API, working directly with a senior software engineer as a team of two. We used Java Spring Boot, along with the Google Guice dependency injection framework. I also researched and integrated the Wiremock service virtualization tool into an example workflow and demonstrated Wiremock’s usefulness through a live demo where I converted an entire array of microservices into a mock endpoint for advanced testing.
nexVortex (Now BCM One) company logo
Summer 2018Development InternnexVortex (Now BCM One)
As a summer intern for nexVortex, I integrated users’ Microsoft Office calendars with Phillips Hue light bulbs, which turned green when a user was available and red when they were busy according to their calendar. This integration was done in PHP, calling multiple RESTful APIs. I also created a company dashboard, which was viewed by the whole company as they entered the office. This dashboard was made in ReactJS, and displayed weather, relevant news, and company performance metrics.
nexVortex (Now BCM One) company logo
Summer 2016Development InternnexVortex (Now BCM One)
During my first ever internship, I used PHP and MySQL to analyze company churn, sales, and growth metrics. My final deliverable was a detailed report about company performance, sales, churn, and growth areas that showed high growth and a shift in customer needs that nexVortex was able to adapt to.

Fun statistics

A novel™ way to tell you a bit about myself

Dota 2 Games Played Icon


Dota 2 Games Played

Pounds of Raw Pasta Cooked and Eaten in a Single Sitting Icon


Pounds of Raw Pasta Cooked and Eaten in a Single Sitting

Bicycle Accidents Icon


Bicycle Accidents

Bachelor's Degrees Icon


Bachelor's Degrees

Months Married Icon


Months Married

Hours Old Icon


Hours Old

Lichess Rating Icon


Lichess Rating

One Piece Volumes Owned Icon


One Piece Volumes Owned

icon project

Hire Me

Looking to hire me? Fill out this form

I am very happy in my current role, and have no plans to leave it currently. However, I get a constant steam of messages from recruiters, and I want to a way to save the job opportunies should my future situation change. Fill out the below form, and I will keep you in mind the next time I begin looking for a new opportunity. I may forward this information to other contacts if believe they are a good fit for the given job description.


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